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Want To Amputation of Bacterial Infection-Use Suprax


Suprax or Cefixime is an oral medicament, which is used to treat the bacterial infection. It is used in various types of bacterial infections such as bronchitis, pneumonia, kidney infection, in the urinary system like cysts etc. Suprax comes in the category of cephalosporin antibiotic, which decrease the bacterial growth due to reduction in formation of the cell wall of bacteria. This drug is not for the treatment of viral infections such as the common cold and flu, etc.

Bacteria are the small and tiny microorganisms which we cannot see them without microscope. They are living creatures and they prepare their food by own. Some bacteria are help for us like use to make in curd and yogurt, other are used in the digestion of food. But many types of bacetrias are harmful for us and they develop infection in our body.

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Antibiotics are the drugs which treat the bacterial infection either by decreasing their growth or directly kill them. Every time you use antibiotics you give the chance to bacteria to learn that how to fight against the antibiotic, so antibiotic drug should not use for long time. Antibiotic can be divided into two classes such as

•    Bactericidal antibiotics: These types of antibacterial drugs directly kill the bacteria and finish the infection.
•    Bacteriostatic antibiotics: These drugs decrease the growth of the bacteria in the body.

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Dosages of Suprax: Cefixime or Suprax is available in the form of tablets so take it with a sufficient quantity of water. The drug should be taken with or without food. The drug should be taken via oral mouth without chew or crush the tablets. The drug is marketed under the various strengths such as 100mg and 200mg. If you are using Cefixime chewable tablet then it must be chewed or crushed before consuming it. This drug should be taken two times after every 12 hours. The dose of drug can be adjusted as per the age of the user and severity of the infection.

•    For adults: The prescribed intake of this drug is 400mg for a single use, which is used for the treatment of gonococcal infections, urethral infections and cervical infections etc.
•    For children: The prescribed dose of this drug for children is 8 mg/kg/day. This amount of the drug is for
24 hours so give it 4mg/kg in single use after every 12 hours.

Some adverse side effects may produce after the intake of this drug such as: black, tarry stools, bleeding gums, blistering, or loosening of the skin, peeling, blood in the urine or stools, chills, clay-colored stools, chest pain,  confusion, cough, dark urine, decreased urine output, gloominess, complexity with swallowing and dizziness.

Safety tips that should be followed while consuming this medication are:

•    Utilization of Suprax may responsible to descend in the prothrombin activity, so the patients with renal or hepatic impairment, should take a course of antimicrobial therapy along with the use of this drug, or patient undergoing anticoagulant therapy should take this medication with caution.
•    If you have histories of colitis then do not take this drug.
•    Geriatrics come under the age of 10 years should not use this drug.
•    Avoid driving after the intake of this medicine.
•    Avoid the consumption alcohols along with this drug as it produce as server side effects.

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